
The kirk was originally provided with a coal fired heating system with water filled radiators throughout the Kirk. The original heating system was decommissioned and Infrared electric heaters were added above the pews in the Nave. The infra red heaters are not ideal in such a large stone building, and are inadequate.  The original cast iron radiators in the Kirk  contribute the Kirk’s amazing ambiance.

We are in the early stages of developing a heating scheme that would allow us to heat the building during events, allowing us to hold a wider range of events in autumn, winter and spring. We are currently progressing the scheme with the support of volunteers and a number of local tradesmen. It is estimated that we would need a 85Kw heat supply during events which could be achieved using the existing refurbished radiators. As we progress we will be need to apply for Listed Building Consent for pipework changes in the (hidden) pipe ducts and the boilerhouse.

Over 30 cast iron radiators are a part of the ambiance in the kirk