Cupboards, Curtains, Floors and Organs

The “Original” Kirk and Organ Screen

The area known as the “organ screen cupboard” is a handy space where chairs and other useful things for events are kept. It has been an area of trip hazards as it was missing most of its floorboards for a number of years as they had become rotten due to water from roof leaks. In 2019 the roof leaks were repaired, allowing us to renew the floorboards in 2020.

Entirely unplanned at the start of 2020 we were very generously gifted the organ from Ardchattan Kirk. This amazing Allen Organ can now fill the amazing acoustics of the Kirk. A short delay for the floor to be installed and the organ was delivered on site.

During the repairs the water damaged backing screen to the ornate engraved organ screen had to be removed.

Rotted Beam and Water Damaged Hardboard Backing Panel

Through alot of discussions, trials and work a new layout to provide a space for the organ was determined, a curtain frame and backdrop installed and lights installed. The design and colour of the curtains was based on historic images of the kirk and scraps of fabric found on the walls.

Although some cleaning has been carried out we still have some more work ongoing on further restoration of the screen itself, but it is now looking fantastic. The screen was carved by Walter Douglas-Campbell, the founder, architect and benefactor of St Conan’s Kirk.

The recent work on the organ screen and flooring has cost over £5000 and was supported by visitor donations, the Coop Local Community Fund, Inches Carr Trust, Culture&Business Fund Scotland and we are grateful for all their support.

The Rose Window (above) is covered with protective sacking whilst its restoration is ongoing and the cleaned and refreshed stained glass (and cleaned protective outer glazing) will look stunning once these works are completed. Visit “Cheer up Cherub” to find out more and donate to support these works.